In 2023, the survival show Boys Planet introduced fans to dozens of hopeful trainees seeking to debut in a new temporary group. As the show progressed, fans fell in love with many contestants, some of whom did not ultimately make the top nine and debut in ZEROBASEONE.
One of these well-loved contestants was Yuehua Entertainment trainee Ollie.
During his time on the show, Ollie earned the nickname “Ollie Wonka” following his using the line during a challenge performance of Jessi‘s “Zoom.” He was also part of the popular “Supercharger” unit alongside Woonggi, Le’v (then Zihao), NINE.i.‘s Seowon, and TOZ‘s Hart (then Haruto) and Takuto.
Ollie was eliminated in the 11th episode of the show, ranking 26th overall, though many were sure the then 16-year-old would find success.
mnet: you have 10 seconds
— ali | zhang hao’s boyfriend (@ali_istired) March 9, 2023
In August 2023, Ollie was among several familiar faces announced to participate in the Hong Kong-based survival program Asia Super Young. The show began airing in November 2023, and 65 contestants competed for the chance to debut.
The show’s finale aired on March 9, with Ollie dropping to fourth-ranked in the previous episode after a streak of ranking first. In survival shows, anything can happen with rankings, meaning this drop gave fans some fear for Ollie’s fate.
However, these worries were completely unfounded as Ollie made the group and was announced as P01 and the group center! The star was visibly shaken, falling to his knees at the announcement and struggling to hold his composure as he spoke.
Ollie and the eight other top contestants are set to debut sometime this year under the name LOONG9.
Congrats to Ollie and all the other winning contestants!