Mnet has announced its new reality K-Pop survival competition show, BOYS II PLANET, after the success of 2023 show Boys Planet, which formed ZEROBASEONE out of its top 9 contestants. BOYS II PLANET will take a slightly different approach, though. While ZEROBASEONE is a global group, including Korean members as well as Chinese and Canadian, […]
Bridgit Mendler’s Northwood makes ground station connection with Planet Labs in key test
Northwood Space, the startup founded by former Disney star Bridgit Mendler, nailed a key test last week when its ground station unit successfully connected with orbiting Planet Labs satellites. Operating from Planet’s ground station in Maddock, North Dakota, the team successfully showed the startup’s novel phased-array antenna system can transmit data to and from satellites […]
“Boys Planet” Favorite To Compete In New Survival Show…Months After Declaring Intentions To Stop Pursuing His Idol Dreams
Ma Jingxiang was one of the most popular contestants on Boys Planet. Known for his deer-like visuals and model-like height, he made a buzz from the first episode of the show. The idol hopeful did not make it to the final debut lineup and was eliminated at 30th place. In February 2024, he announced to […]
“2024 ISAC” Going Viral For Becoming A “Boys Planet” Reunion
Love or hate it, Mnet had netizens in love after they started airing Boys Planet as the contestants captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. Contestants of “Boys Planet” | Mnet Since the show ended, the participants have gone on different paths, but many have remained idols and have debuted in groups like ZEROBASEONE (the final debut […]
“Boys Planet” Contestant’s Post-Debut Visual Change Becomes A Hot Topic
The survival show Boys Planet may have ended last year, but its participants continually remain in the spotlight. As show winners ZEROBASONE promote, other trainees on the show have been able to make their debut (or re-debut in some cases) in newly formed groups. EVNNE | JellyFish Entertainment Recently, one contestant has gained attention following […]