With all that has been unveiled in Dispatch‘s condemning interview with the bereaved’s family…
Dispatch Slams EXID Hani’s Psychiatrist Fiancé With Condemning Interview With His Late Patient’s Mother
…psychiatrist Yang Jae Woong, better known to K-Pop fans as EXID Hani‘s fiancé, faces intense criticism for his lack of professionalism in patient care.

The Dispatch interview made space for the mother and brother of the late patient, Park, to reveal the “negligence” of Yang, his W Jin Hospital, and his medical staff at the time of Park’s death.
…the hospital labeled my daughter as a “chronic constipation patient,” which was not true. Several other patients have come forward and told me that, one day, my daughter was in so much pain that she fell to the floor. Another patient had to help her up her bed.
The CCTV footage from the day my daughter died shows her dealing with a nosebleed. She apparently asked 911 to be called. But the hospital ignored her. Again, this is all according to the other patients who were there in the hospital with her. Someone also testified that when my daughter complained of pain for the last time, a medical assistant remarked, “There she goes again, with the moaning.” I’m not making any of this up. I was told first hand.
— Park’s Mother
As the mother alleged that the hospital confined Park, mistreated her, disregarded her concerns of symptoms, failed to deliver quality CPR at the time of her unconsciousness, failed to contact the family at the time of her death, and even failed to apologize until the media got involved…
…the public grew hostile toward Yang.
Online communities and social media platforms saw a spike in comments from Koreans, criticizing the psychiatrist for the incomprehensible course of action taken.

- “I can’t fathom how the mother must feel that her daughter has passed but no one is being held accountable.”
- “I don’t understand the tranquilizer. What was the reason for treating her like she’s mentally unstable?”
- “What was the hospital thinking, confining to her in an isolated room like that? Not letting her go to the bathroom? This gives me the chills.”
- “Take his license away. People like him should never see patients.”
- “I hope those responsible get what they deserve…”
- “The hospital literally murdered an otherwise stable patient. This is gruesome. What the hell?”

- “It’s hard for me to understand why the staff restrained her to the bed when she wasn’t acting out or anything.”
- “Take his license away.”
- “This is insane, seriously.”
- “It sucks to hear that it’s close to impossible to win a case against medical law… I hope whoever is responsible pays for her death.”
- “I’m grossed out by the fact that Yang apologized through his agency only after media attention on the case and that he didn’t acknowledge the protesting mother outside the hospital. I feel for the deceased and the bereaved family.”
- “May she rest in peace.”

- “This is what happens when a doctor spends more time at the broadcasting studio than at the hospital. A person died in his hospital bed where he should have been working as the director. So I hope he gets held responsible.”
- “TBH… I think we should all avoid going to the doctors who appear on TV too often. It’s unbelievable that he has never reached out to the family. And that he announced his wedding only a couple days after a death took place. I hope he doesn’t ever come back on camera.”
- “This is disgustingly shocking. For something like this to happen in 2024? The hospital didn’t treat the patient like a human being, just because she was admitted to a psych ward. Didn’t listen when she wanted 911 called. Didn’t help her when she needed emergency care. Didn’t stop giving her tranquilizers even when her family pointed out the slurred speech and asked them to stop…”
- “He’s a murderer.”
- “Better hold him responsible for every single thing he did wrong.”
Amid the fierce backlash, neither Yang nor W Jin Hospital has responded to the Dispatch interview. Meanwhile, Yang’s idol fiancé remains under attack.
Popular Idol Bombarded With Hate Comments Due To Fiancé’s Alleged Involvement In Patient’s Death
Source: theqoo