A man will likely have his life changed forever after his infidelity was put on blast by his girlfriend.
A Chinese woman discovered that her boyfriend, identified as Shi first seemed like a gentleman when they started dating in October 2023. She quickly discovered this was not the truth when she was made aware of his cheating in June 2024.

Shi pled with the woman not to leave him, so she forgave him. That is until she discovered he had resumed his cheating in September, inspiring her to take a creative sort of revenge.
The woman harnessed her anger and created a 58-page PowerPoint detailing exactly how and when Shi cheated on her throughout their relationship.
While this certainly is embarrassing, the real effects of her publicly posted PowerPoint involve the man’s job. A recent graduate, Shi participated in a training program at China Merchants Bank to guide young professionals into leadership positions and higher pay during their careers.

A portion of his cheating was with sex workers — whom he met with at least nine times, paying 2,500 to 5,000 yuan (US$ 350 to US$ 700) — and following an investigation, Shi was terminated from his position.
The woman claimed that she would even report him to the police, and because prostitution is illegal where he resides, he could face legal troubles as well.
Revenge, it seems, is a dish best served online sometimes.