BOYNEXTDOOR are preparing for their September 9 comeback with 3rd EP 19.99.
BOYNEXTDOOR 3rd EP [19.99] Preview (Nice ver. & Dangerous ver. & Twenty ver.)
2024. 9. 9 6PM (KST)#BOYNEXTDOOR #보이넥스트도어 #BND#BOYNEXTDOOR_19_99
A preview of the physical album, including its inclusions, was revealed recently. There are two versions, “Dangerous” and “Nice,” with both including the most unexpected inclusion.
While both contain a CD, photo print, dust jacket, photocard, and lyric book, it also includes a job application form and staff ID card.
The job application form caught ONEDOORs’ attention, saying it was an “unserious” inclusion. Is BOYNEXTDOOR calling us all jobless?!
job application form as an album inclusion is so unserious
— gun (@myungjaan) August 29, 2024
why we getting a job app in the bnd album GOODBYE
— ari’s seeing nct dream & svt (@romiwonz) August 29, 2024
JOB APPLICATION FORM??? nah bnd fr calling us out LMFOAOA
— eren ༊*·˚ 19.99
(@erennbearr) August 29, 2024
This isn’t the first time that BOYNEXTDOOR’s inclusions have surprised fans. The second EP HOW? included a meme card and a lottery scratch card.
BOYNEXTDOOR are certainly establishing themselves, becoming known for unique inclusions.