aespa recently held the Taiwan leg of their concert, SYNK: PARALLEL LINE.

During the concert, many Korean fansite masters became upset.
240810 Sound Check #에스파 #aespa
— 𝙅𝙤𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 (@Weiiis10) August 10, 2024
They accused the Taiwanese staff of discriminating against them racially.
찍을때 스탭한테 걸린 것도 아니고 스케치북 머리 위로 들지말라고 했다고 30분뒤에 한궈런이라고 시끄럽다고 나가라고 괴롭히고 뒤에서 모두가 내사진찍고 진씸 ㅇ우ㅜㄹ해서 침대에서 울거임
뭐라는지도 모르겠고 커어어…—
(@mxxxxxxxxu) August 10, 2024
It wasn’t like we were caught when we were taking photos, but they told us that we couldn’t hold sketchbooks above our head, then 30 minutes later, there was a commotion that we were Korean, and they told us to leave the venue, bullying us. Everyone else were all taking photos of me. Seriously, I’m gonna cry in bed. I don’t even know wtf they were saying…
— mxxxxxxxxxu
Others claimed that the Taiwanese fans were trying to chase the Korean fansite masters out.
한국인 내쫓기에 급급한 대만 마이들 ㅠㅠ~~ 없는 것도 뒤집어씌울라해서 proof 내놓으랫더니 아무말도 못하네요 ㅠㅠ ㅋㅋ 짜증나서 나가니까 타이완 마이 어쩌구 커이마?!! 커이!!!!! 이지랄 돌았노
— 타리 (@tarybluu) August 10, 2024
The Taiwanese MYs were all in a hurry to chase the Koreans out. They framed us of things we didnt’ do and when we asked for proof, they were not able to say anything. I left out of annoyance, but when Taiwanese MYs asked [the staff] if they could do something, they were allowed. Crazy.
— tarybluu
Fansites continued to criticize staff for their alleged racism, claiming that staff only sought to chase Koreans out.
이젠 씨큐가 한궈마? 하면서 한국인 찾으러 다닌다 ㅠㅠ 저도 이정도는 알아들어요 고등학교때 중국어 4등급이엇지만
— 타리 (@tarybluu) August 10, 2024
The security guards were all like, ‘are you Korean?’ as they went around looking for Koreans. I can understand that much too because I was level 4 when I learnt Chinese in high school.
— tarybluu
Some fansite claimed that when they showed the staff the data they took with their cameras, no one said a word. However, things changed when they found out that they were Korean.
난 찍은거 있어서 보여줬더니 이건 오케이래~ㅠㅠ
걍 우린 한국인이라 안된거고 중국어 현지인처럼 사용 가능하신 분은 들으셔도 될 것 같아요
대신 절대 콘서트장 내부에서 한국어를 사용하지마새요 ㄷ ㄷ— 타리 (@tarybluu) August 10, 2024
When I showed them what I took, they said it was fine. I think if you’re Korean, it’s a no, but if you can speak Chinese like a native, they’re fine with it. Instead, please don’t use Korean onsite.
— tarybluu
Korean fansites are absolutely incensed over the alleged racism that they faced in Taiwan. They complain of being asked to leave once they have been identified as Korean.