Apple announced a ton of new AI features under the new Apple Intelligence moniker. While the features are free to use, only a limited number of devices will get access to them. These devices include on iPhone 15 Pro along with iPad and Mac with M1 or newer chips. So older iPhones or iPhone 15 […]
Archives for 10th June 2024
Pittsburgh Steelers sign Mike Tomlin to three-year extension to keep him with team through 2027
The Pittsburgh Steelers announced on Monday that they signed head coach Mike Tomlin to a three-year extension, keeping him with the team through the 2027. “Mike Tomlin’s leadership and commitment to the Steelers have been pivotal to our success during his first 17 years as head coach,” said Steelers President Art Rooney II, a release […]
Netflix K-Drama “Hierarchy” Sparks Divided Reactions Due To Characters’ “Shocking” Relationship
The highly anticipated Netflix K-Drama Hierarchy premiered on June 7 with all seven episodes, making for perfect binge-watching. This high-school-based thriller stars Lee Chae Min, Roh Jeong Eui, Kim Jae Won, Lee Won Jung, and Ji Hye Won. Jooshin High School is the most prestigious school in South Korea. The school was established by the […]
Apple revamps its Photos app for iOS 18
Apple is giving one of its top apps, Photos, a major makeover with the coming launch of iOS 18. The new app introduces new navigation, new organizational features, and other ways to discover your favorite photos, including those of friends, family, pets, trips and more. At its Worldwide Developer Conference on Monday, Apple demoed the […]
Why did Dan Hurley turn down the Lakers? UConn coach rejects massive NBA contract to stay with Huskies
College basketball’s newest coaching star is sticking around at least a little while longer. UConn’s Dan Hurley rejected a massive contract offer to become head coach of the Lakers on Monday, according to ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski, ending a saga that began with shocking reports that Los Angeles made Hurley the main target of its search. […]