The arrest of Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov in France is starting to impact the app’s traction and ranking. On Saturday, the founder was arrested for allegedly allowing illegal activity to thrive on the social app by failing to moderate messages adequately, particularly in areas involving drug trafficking, money laundering and the distribution of […]
Telegram founder Pavel Durov reportedly arrested in France
Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, was arrested on Saturday evening while leaving his private jet at France’s Bourget airport, according to French television network TF1. Reports of Durov’s arrest sparked widespread discussion and speculation on social media, including on Telegram itself, though news reports have been largely based on unnamed police […]
Telegram founder Pavel Durov reportedly arrested in France
Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, was arrested on Saturday evening while leaving his private jet at France’s Bourget airport, according to French television network TF1. Reports of Durov’s arrest sparked widespread discussion and speculation on social media, including on Telegram itself, although it seems to be largely based on the same […]
Telegram lets creators share paid content to channels
Telegram launched a digital currency called Stars for in-app use last month. Now, the company is expanding its use cases to paid content. The chat app is also allowing channels to covert the stars they have to Toncoin — the cryptocurrency Telegram uses over The Open Network (TON) blockchain. Alternatively, they can use them to […]
Bangladeshi police agents accused of selling citizens’ personal information on Telegram
Two senior officials working for anti-terror police in Bangladesh allegedly collected and sold classified and personal information of citizens to criminals on Telegram, TechCrunch has learned. The data allegedly sold included national identity details of citizens, cell phone call records and other “classified secret information,” according to a letter signed by a senior Bangladeshi intelligence […]