Telegram has quietly updated its policy to allow users to report private chats to its moderators following the arrest of founder Pavel Durov in France over “crimes committed by third parties” on the platform. The messaging app, which serves nearly 1 billion monthly active users, has long maintained a reputation for minimal supervision of user […]
Telegram Deletes And Apologizes For Deepfake Porn—But Koreans Are Far From Impressed
Amid the deeply concerning scandal over deepfake porn—impacting both non-celebrities and celebrities alike, Korea Communications Standards Commission (KCSC) received an email from Telegram‘s East Asia representative apologizing for the “illicit content on the platform.” 200+ Female Idols Found In Deepfake Porn, Netizens Disgusted On September 3, 2024 (KST), South Korean news outlets reported that Telegram had […]
France formally charges Telegram founder, Pavel Durov, over organized crime on messaging app
After spending four days in police custody, the founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, Pavel Durov, was put under formal investigation in France on Thursday for a wide range of criminal charges. He was also released from custody on the condition that he does not leave French territory during the investigation. Bail was set […]
Telegram CEO Arrested, Faces Judge Amidst Korea’s “New Nth-Room” Sex Crime Scandal
As of late, “the new nth room” has recently gone viral in South Korea. According to various sources, including victims, a set of Telegram rooms with more than 212,000 participants has been exposed. It was revealed that to gain access to these rooms, one must submit a set of photos of any girl or woman […]
Paris court explains why it’s arrested Telegram founder, Pavel Durov
When Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, was arrested on August 24, French authorities did not respond to requests for comment. The secrecy of pre-trial investigations and inquiries is an important principle in the French judicial system. French television network TF1 reported that the main issues are Telegram’s (lack of) moderation processes […]