Apple Tuesday unveiled a new version of the iPad mini updated for the era of Apple Intelligence. The new arrival is powered by the company’s A7 Pro chip, bringing compatibility with Apple Intelligence, the company’s new generative AI offering. The new arrival marks the first major update to the 8.3-inch device since 2021. The A17 […]
Manchester United Legend Gary Neville To Visit India To Support Grassroots Football Programme
Former Manchester United superstar Gary Neville will be present in India to support the grassroots football programme and motivate the young kids playing football in the country. Considered one of the greatest right-backs ever to play the game, Gary Neville’s illustrious career includes eight English Premier League titles and two UEFA Champions League titles for […]
Gary Neville To Visit India To Support Grassroots Football Programme
Former Manchester United superstar Gary Neville will be present in India to support the grassroots football programme and motivate the young kids playing football in the country. Considered one of the greatest right-backs ever to play the game, Gary Neville’s illustrious career includes eight English Premier League titles and two UEFA Champions League titles for […]
Meta pitches VR to mobile developers with new support for Android apps on Quest
During its developer keynote at the Meta Connect conference on Wednesday, the company pitched its Quest mixed reality platform to developers as the next big app store. As tech giants like Apple and Google are under tightened regulations over their app store monopolies, Meta says it’s working to make it easier for mobile developers to […]
“Is This Support Or Mockery?” Korean Netizens Left Confused By BTS Suga’s Fan Project
A fan project created for BTS‘s Suga is receiving mixed reactions from K-netizens. BTS’s Suga | Weverse Recently, ARMYs created media wall ads to be displayed in public. The ads feature photos of Suga with messages of support, including his lyric, “future’s gonna be okay.” Our I’Park Mall Media Wall ads for Yoongi and @BTS_twt […]