Actress Han So Hee was recently accused of lying about her college acceptance. The star had claimed on a variety show to have been accepted into a prestigious arts school in France. This happened when she was around 20-years-old, before she even stepped foot into the entertainment industry. She claimed to have not enough money […]
Full Translation Of HYBE’s Statement In Response to ADOR Min Hee Jin’s Press Conference
On April 26, HYBE issued an official statement addressing ADOR Min Hee Jin‘s press conference held on the day prior. The following is the full translation of HYBE’s statement. “Hello. HYBE would like to state the following. We would like to explain the whole truth regarding the statements made by ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin […]
HYBE CEO’s Full Statement To The Company’s Workers Released
Amidst the chaos that HYBE is currently facing due to its feud with ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin, HYBE’s CEO Park Ji Won has taken to a company-wide address. He speaks to all the workers of HYBE in the address, which was later posted on Blind, the anonymous but verified forum for office workers. A […]
Min Hee Jin Releases Full Statement Regarding ADOR’s Feud With HYBE
It was previously reported that HYBE and ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin are currently in the midst of a power struggle. Min Hee Jin had allegedly been trying to usurp management rights to ADOR from HYBE, leading to HYBE launching an audit against her and the current board of management. Min Hee Jin has since […]
Korean Netizens React To Min Hee Jin’s Statement Invoking Plagiarism As Reason For Feud With HYBE
It was previously reported that HYBE and ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin are currently in the midst of a power struggle. Min Hee Jin had allegedly been trying to usurp management rights to ADOR from HYBE, leading to HYBE launching an audit against her and the current board of management. Min Hee Jin has since […]