Netflix‘s new K-Drama, Chicken Nugget, based on Park Ji Dok‘s Webtoon Dak Gang Geong (Sweet & Sour Chicken), premiered with all ten episodes over the weekend. It stars Kim Yoo Jung (also known as Kim You Jung, who previously starred in My Demon, The 8th Night, and 20th Century Girl) as Choi Min Ah, Ryu Seung Ryong (Moving, […]
Korean Netizens React Against (G)I-DLE’s Possible Reference To Soojin
(G)I-DLE’s speculated reference to Soojin in their new music video has received mixed reactions from Korean netizens. After the two music videos for “Wife” and “Super Lady,” (G)I-DLE recently treated fans with another buzzworthy release, “Revenge.” The noir-like music video was a surprising shift from the group’s usual style of filmography, highlighting their powerful storytelling. […]
Eagle-Eyed Netizens Notice Subtle Reference To BTS In Zendaya’s “TIME” Photoshoot
BTS is everywhere, even in places you would least expect them. So, they often find ways to photobomb! From left: Jungkook, Suga, J-Hope, Jin, V, Jimin, and RM of BTS. Famously, Filipino-American beauty influencer and social media personality Bretman Rock and Jungkook photobombed each other at the 2018 Billboard Music Awards. | Twitter On November 2, 2021, […]
Derivatives Exchange Giant CME Group Adds 11 New Cryptocurrency Reference Rates
Global markets company and Chicago-based derivatives exchange CME Group plans to launch 11 new reference rates tied to specific crypto assets. The reference rates and real-time indices bolstered by CF Benchmarks are typically leveraged by exchange-traded products and other investment vehicles. 11 Crypto Assets Get Reference Rate Treatment From CME Group and CF Benchmarks CME […]