A vlog has now gone mega-viral with a surprise peek inside the luxurious life of actress Song Hye Kyo. Actress Song Hye Kyo | @kyo1122/Instagram In a new video updated to the @iammingki YouTube channel, DAVICHI member Kang Minkyung had a sleepover at her actress friend’s Samsung-dong residence. While the house was shown in snippets, it was clear […]
Suzy’s And Song Hye Kyo’s “Lovestagrams” Drive Fans Insane
Suzy and Song Hye Kyo are two of the greatest beauties in South Korea. They are both also two of the most popular K-Drama actresses globally. As the two have never worked together on a project before, fans were surprised when they found out that the two had recently gone out together. Song Hye Kyo […]