A promising K-Drama with a talented cast has become a disappointment, according to viewers who are struggling to finish the series. Kim Myung Soo (INFINITE‘s L) and Lee Yoo Young | KBS Kim Myung Soo (INFINITE‘s L) and Lee Yoo Young star in Dare to Love Me, a webtoon-turned-series. | KBS It follows an aspiring webtoon writer (Kim Myung Soo), who lives like […]
Netizens Compare The Stagnant Career Of Handsome K-Drama Actor With Byeon Woo Seok
It is a well-acknowledged fact that visuals are a deciding factor in the successful career of a K-Drama actor. That, however, doesn’t guarantee explosive success for every handsome face. In a recent viral post, a Korean netizen pointed out that there is one K-Drama actor whose career trajectory was “as unfortunate as Byeon Wook Seok.” […]
Netflix K-Drama “Hierarchy” Actor Steals The Show Despite Little Screen Time
The highly anticipated Netflix K-Drama Hierarchy premiered on June 7 with all seven episodes, making for perfect binge-watching. This high-school-based thriller stars Lee Chae Min, Roh Jeong Eui, Kim Jae Won, Lee Won Jung, and Ji Hye Won. Jooshin High School is the most prestigious school in South Korea. The school was established by the […]
Netflix K-Drama “Hierarchy” Sparks Divided Reactions Due To Characters’ “Shocking” Relationship
The highly anticipated Netflix K-Drama Hierarchy premiered on June 7 with all seven episodes, making for perfect binge-watching. This high-school-based thriller stars Lee Chae Min, Roh Jeong Eui, Kim Jae Won, Lee Won Jung, and Ji Hye Won. Jooshin High School is the most prestigious school in South Korea. The school was established by the […]
Highly-Anticipated Netflix K-Drama Leaves Netizens Hugely Disappointed
The highly-anticipated Netflix K-Drama Hierarchy has left netizens drastically disappointed. The “Hierarchy” poster | Netflix The show premiered on June 7 and followed Kang Ha (Lee Chae Min), who transferred to Jooshin High School, which is the most prestigious school in South Korea. Yet, many of the students are hiding secrets as the gap between rich and […]