Telegram has had a tough few weeks lately. The messaging app’s founder, Pavel Durov, was arrested in late August and later released on a €5 million bail in France, charged with running a company complicit in distributing child sexual abuse material, and facilitating drug trafficking and organized fraud. Predictably, that crashed the price of the […]
GFRIEND’s Sowon Confirms The Group Hasn’t Disbanded
GFRIEND leader Sowon recently appeared in a YouTube video on the channel Kiu기우쌤, in which she had her hair done by the popular YouTuber-hairdresser Lee Sung Gyu. Sowon with Lee Sung Gyu | @kiudesign/YouTube While getting her hair done, Sowon and Lee had a candid conversation about GFRIEND members. Sowon shared that all the members recently attended a VIVIZ […]
Former GFRIEND’s Sowon Confirms The Group Hasn’t Disbanded
GFRIEND leader Sowon recently appeared in a YouTube video on the channel Kiu기우쌤, in which she had her hair done by the popular YouTuber-hairdresser Lee Sung Gyu. Sowon with Lee Sung Gyu | @kiudesign/YouTube While getting her hair done, Sowon and Lee had a candid conversation about GFRIEND members. Sowon shared that all the members recently attended a VIVIZ […]
Google still hasn’t fixed Gemini’s biased image generator
Back in February, Google paused its AI-powered chatbot Gemini’s ability to generate images of people after users complained of historical inaccuracies. Told to depict “a Roman legion,” for example, Gemini would show an anachronistically diverse group of soldiers, while rendering “Zulu warriors” as uniformly Black. Google CEO Sundar Pichai apologized, and Demis Hassabis, the co-founder of Google’s […]