Tech companies are pledging to fight election-related deepfakes as policymakers amp up pressure. Today at the Munich Security Conference, vendors including Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon, Adobe and IBM signed an accord signaling their intention to adopt a common framework for responding to AI-generated deepfakes intended to mislead voters. Thirteen other companies, including AI startups OpenAI, […]
FTC seeks to modify rule to combat deepfakes
Spurred by the growing threat of deepfakes, the FTC is seeking to modify an existing rule that bans the impersonation of businesses or government agencies to cover all consumers. The revised rule — depending on the final language, and the public comments that the FTC receives — might also make it unlawful for a GenAI […]
EU proposes criminalizing AI-generated child sexual abuse and deepfakes
AI generated imagery and other forms of deepfakes depicting child sexual abuse (CSA) could be criminialized in the European Union under plans to update existing legislation to keep pace with technology developments, the Commission announced today. It’s also proposing to create a new criminal offence of livestreaming child sexual abuse. The possession and exchange of […]