Since Kep1er‘s Huening Bahiyyih debuted, the TXT members have been showering Hueningkai‘s sister with support. Yeonjun has warmed fans’ hearts even more by sharing the nickname he calls her. Yeonjun | @TXT_members/Twitter After learning the dance from Hueningkai, Yeonjun was excited to fulfill fans’ wish for him to dance Kep1er’s “WA DA DA” and looked […]
Kep1er’s Huening Bahiyyih Sees The Hate She’s Receiving, Her Uncle Reputedly Reveals
Less than a week ago, Mnet‘s survival show Girls Planet 999 came to an end, and the lineup for Kep1er was finally decided. Naturally, every viewer had their own ideal lineup in mind, but one winning contestant seems to be facing a particularly high amount of hate—Huening Bahiyyih. Of course, these hate comments don’t exist […]