In a new twist to the ongoing legal drama between popular broadcasters Choi Dong Seok and Park Ji Yoon, Choi has now filed an adultery lawsuit against his ex-wife, claiming that she was involved in an extramarital affair during their marriage. | @dong_seok_choi/Instagram According to a report from Star News on October 2, Choi has […]
Acquaintances Worried For Popular Idol As Photos Of Husband’s Alleged Affair Goes Viral
T-ARA Jiyeon‘s acquaintance spoke about the controversy surrounding Hwang Jae Gyun. Jiyeon (left) and Hwang Jae Gyun (right) | JoongAng Ilbo On September 6, it was reported that Hwang Jae Gyun was spotted out drinking with another woman at 6 in the morning. Beloved Idol’s Husband Reportedly Spotted Partying With Women Amidst Divorce Rumors According […]
Popular Actress Apologizes To The Public For Her Marriage-Ending Affair
Japanese actress Hirosue Ryoko has apologized for her previous affair. Hirosue Ryoko | @ryoko_hirosue_official/Instagram In June 2023, Hirosue Ryoko, known as the “Nation’s Daughter,” was exposed for having an affair with celebrity chef Toba Shusaku. After initially denying the affair, the actress admitted to it a week after the rumors began to circulate. Toba Shusaku […]
Newly Divorced Actress’s Life Changes After Her Ex’s Alleged Affair With Another Actress
A popular actress and singer is rising from the ashes of her marriage that ended in divorce — twice. Bella Astillah and ex-husband Aliff Aziz | @bellaastillah/Instagram On June 13, following a string of scandals, Malaysian actress Bella Astillah and Singaporean actor Aliff Aziz divorced for the second time. The couple previously divorced in 2019 due to Aziz’s alleged infidelity after […]
Married Actor Admits To Having An Affair During First Court Hearing
On July 24, the first hearing for the lawsuit filed by A against actor Kang Kyung Joon was held in private, with only Kang’s lawyers in attendance. The court decided to accept the case, meaning that the defendant acknowledges that the plaintiff has the right to file a claim. In short, Kang Kyung Joon accepted […]