A primary school teacher is facing jail time after being caught in the act by his former student’s father.

In 2019, 39-year-old Mizuno Masashi, copied his then-student’s house key during a school sporting event. He secretly held onto that copy for five years before finally seizing the opportunity to use it.

“Not long ago, I suddenly remembered that this former student of mine is a secondary school student now,” Mizuno confessed. “What’s more, I have got a duplicated key. So I decided to steal her school uniform.”
When he slipped into the teenage girl’s home, however, Mizuno discovered that her father was there. He fled the scene but was arrested the following day.

The incident has sparked public outrage in Japan, especially among local residents and the parents of children who attend the school Mizuno taught at in Tokyo. Some parents were completely blindsided by Mizuno’s premeditated crime.
I always thought he was an excellent teacher. When we parents talked about him, all of us thought so.
— Student’s parent
At this time, it is uncertain if Mizuno has other victims, as the investigation is still ongoing. In response to the backlash, an official from the Edogawa Education Committee apologized to the girl’s family and vowed to take precautions to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
We apologise with deep sincerity to the affected family. We are doing our best to prevent similar incidents from happening again.
— Edogawa Education Committee official
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Source: SCMP