On June 7, Netflix‘s anticipated K-Drama Hierarchy premiered, dropping all seven episodes at once. This high-school-based thriller stars Lee Chae Min, Roh Jeong Eui, Kim Jae Won, Lee Won Jung, and Ji Hye Won.
At Jooshin High School, the air is thick with privilege and hidden agendas. This elite playground is ruled by school queen Jung Jae I (Roh Jeong Eui) and her boyfriend, Kim Ri An (Kim Jae Won), known as the king. Their reign is unchallenged until Kang Ha (Lee Chae Min), a scholarship student with a vendetta, transfers in. Driven by revenge, his presence begins to disrupt the intricate web of relationships at the top. Alongside them, Yoon He Ra (Chi Hae Won) and Lee Woo Jin (Lee Won Jeong) complete the circle of exclusive students who govern the school.
— Netflix’s synopsis
Throughout the episodes, the show focuses on the relationships between Jae I and Ri An and Jae I and Kang Ha.
Though the love triangle included heavy secrets and conflicted feelings—everything viewers love in the trope—it was somehow overshadowed by another complicated pairing.
He Ra and Woo Jin seemed to have the closest ending to being a couple, though it is unknown if this happened. Despite their issues, including He Ra having feelings for Ri Ah and Woo Jin’s shocking and illegal relationship, many fans shipped them incredibly during and after the show.
The two actors might be the ones who ship the characters the most, with Lee Won Jeong and Chi Hae Won interacting in character online.
No One Ships Fan-Favorite “Hierarchy” Couple More Than The Actors Themselves
However, one of the pair is willing to turn the fake “almost” couple into a real life romance!
As previously stated, Lee Won Jeong interacted with Chi Hae Won’s social media, with many happening in the form of comments on her most. On her latest post, a fan told Lee Won Jeong that he should just “take her out on a date already,” to which he responded, “sure why not.”
It is not an uncommon occurrence for couples in drama series to start dating each other. Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin, Nam Joo Hyuk and Lee Sung Kyung, and Lee Joon Gi and Jeon Hye Bin are just some of the couples who’s relationships sparked while on set.
Only time will tell if Lee Won Jeong and Chi Hae Won will be the next added to the list!