On May 19, the BBC World Service’s investigative team, BBC Eye, released a powerful new documentary titled Burning Sun, revealing how two female Korean journalists exposed sex scandals involving prominent K-Pop stars. This has brought to light the crimes of the stars involved, especially since nearly all those sentenced to prison have since been released. Shockingly, many had […]
Archives for 22nd May 2024
Meta’s new AI council is comprised entirely of white men
Meta on Wednesday announced the creation of an AI advisory council with only white men on it. What else would we expect? Women and people of color have been speaking out for decades about being ignored and excluded from the world of artificial intelligence despite them being qualified and playing a key role in the […]
LeBron James says Caitlin Clark's impact is the reason great things are happening for the WNBA
Indiana Fever rookie Caitlin Clark’s debut season is off to a slower start than expected, but these first few games won’t define her career. Lakers superstar LeBron James stood up for Clark in the latest episode of his “Mind the Game” podcast with J.J. Redick. He relates to the 22-year-old rookie carrying the weight of […]
Zico’s Mom Exposing His Allegedly Violent Behavior To An Ex-Girlfriend Surfaces
Recently, Zico has become a hot topic, centered around the BBC World Service‘s new documentary about the Burning Sun scandal. Zico Zico was not charged with any crimes, but he was linked to Jung Joonyoung’s sex chats after mentioning the former star’s phone as being “golden” on a program. Zico denied having any knowledge of Jung’s […]
India’s BluSmart is testing its ride-hailing service in Dubai
Indian ride-hailing startup BluSmart has started operating in Dubai, TechCrunch has exclusively learned and confirmed with its executive. The move to Dubai, which has been rumored for months, could help counter the likes of Careem, Uber and Hala in the United Arab Emirates’ most populous city. The Gurugram-based startup quietly enabled the new Dubai service […]