The long-anticipated K-Drama inspired by the alternative universe of BTS’s HYYH era, BEGINS ≠ YOUTH, recently premiered, spiking interest among ARMYs. | HYBE Fans were so enthralled by the cast and script that they wished the drama had been made available on more accessible streaming platforms. But one particular scene dampened some of that praise. The […]
“HYBE Fumbled”: ARMYs Disappointment Over BTS K-Drama “BEGINS ≠ YOUTH”
The long-anticipated BTS-inspired K-Drama BEGINS ≠ YOUTH recently premiered. | HYBE Several years ago, during a press conference, HYBE founder Bang Si Hyuk shared the agency’s plans for a Korean drama inspired by BTS‘s fictional universe. The K-Drama, originally titled YOUTH, was slated to air in 2020 but moved to November 2023. We are working with a famous Korean […]
An In-Depth Look At The Line Distribution Of TWICE’s “With YOU-th” Album
On February 23, TWICE released their latest album, With YOU-th. With six songs on the album including the title track “One Spark”, the album has been performing incredibly well for the K-Pop group! But just how evenly are the lines distributed between members in their new songs? Here’s a look at the line distributions for all six […]
Full Trailer For BTS K-Drama “Begins Youth” Excites ARMYs
Years ago, it was announced that a K-Drama would be made inspired by BTS. | HYBE At a press conference, HYBE founder Bang Si Hyuk shared the agency’s plans for a Korean drama inspired by BTS‘s fictional universe. The K-Drama, originally titled YOUTH, was initially slated to air in 2020. Later, it was moved to November 2023. Now, it seems that it […]
5 Inspirational Moments Where BTS’s Suga Proved He’s A Woke Person Deserving To Be A Role Model To The Youth
ARMYs have such a strong dedication to BTS — not only because they’re amazing musicians and talented performers, but also because they are the perfect examples of what a role model should be. All BTS members use their popularity as a platform to raise awareness for important issues in today’s society. Take BTS’s Suga, for example. Here are […]