In 2025, actor Ji Soo is continuing his entertainment career after making a fresh start in the Philippines. This includes new acting projects, photoshoots–and getting swole. Ji Soo played a no-nonsense cop in “Strong Woman Do Bong Soon.” In 2021, Ji Soo was accused of school violence, bullying, sexual harassment, and assault. Ji Soo enlisted in […]
ENHYPEN’s Jay Spotted With Mystery Woman On Alleged Date
Photos of ENHYPEN‘s Jay on an alleged date recently surfaced online. He was seen wearing a black coat, with his mask half down. He was sighted with a woman dressed in black. A fan caught sight of them in a restaurant. The lady wore a long, tight-fitting skirt and a leather jacket. They seemed to […]
BTS’s Jin Goes Viral For Protecting A Woman From Another Guest On His Show
BTS‘s Jin has been going viral recently for his actions. Comedians Yoon Hwa, Yoo Min Sang, and Kim Min Kyung guested on an episode of Run Jin. As they are all close friends, Yoo Min Sang had joked that Yoon Hwa’s limbs were rather short. In particular, he pointed out her legs. Jin quickly stepped […]
Tormented Woman Makes A Horrifying Discovery After 18 Years
After 18 years of suffering, a 36-year-old woman has finally discovered the cause of her pain. Unfortunately, this discovery marks a milestone but not the end of her journey to healing — and justice. Unrelated photo for illustrative purposes | Sasun Bughdaryan/Unsplash On November 5, the Pavena Foundation for Children and Women–a non-profit organization in […]
Photos and Video Of Jung Woo Sung Kissing Non-Celebrity Woman Leaked Online
Amid recent news of actor Jung Woo Sung being revealed as the biological father of a son born to model Moon Gabi, photos and a video of Jung Woo Sung and a non-celebrity woman were leaked online. Dispatch Reveals Top Actor Jung Woo Sung Is The Father Of Model Moon Gabi’s Baby On November 25, […]