RIIZE‘s Anton is gaining attention for his stunning appearance! RIIZE’s Anton On June 14, the SM Entertainment boy group visited their “RIIZING” pop-up store at Starfield Suwon, Gyeonggi Province. Needless to say, Anton shocked fans with his flawless visuals. He had a cool, laidback aura that was a complete change from his usual adorable self. […]
Apple gives developers a way to nominate their apps for editorial consideration on the App Store
App developers will have a new path for getting their apps recognized and promoted, Apple told developers at WWDC 2024 this week. In an update planned to arrive in September alongside the release of iOS 18, developers will be able to alert Apple’s Editorial team about their app’s new content or features ahead of its […]
GPTZero’s founders, still in their 20s, have a profitable AI detection startup, millions in the bank and a new $10M Series A
Among all the young AI startups being ruthlessly pursued by VCs these days, GPTZero has already grown into profitability in its first year and a half of life, generating millions in revenue. Founded by 24-year-old Edward Tian and 26-year-old Alex Cui, who’ve been friends since high school, GPTZero offers a detection tool that helps identify […]
5th Generation Girl Group Gets Criticized For Their Unique Dorm Arrangements
Dorm-living is a huge part of K-Pop culture. Most idols live in assigned dorms from their trainee days all the way up to at least around five years of debut. It is only when they have some experience under their belt that they are allowed to move out into their own apartments. Many fans treasure […]
B.A.P’s Return Is The Biggest Victory Over Their Abysmal Treatment Under K-Pop’s “Worst” Company
Many consider K-Pop’s third generation to be one of the most iconic, as it saw the debut of groups like BTS, EXO, and many others that helped expand the genre worldwide. BTS | HYBE One group that would definitely be mentioned in the conversation is B.A.P, which debuted in 2012 under TS Entertainment. The group’s […]