Currently, in Korea, there is a new ongoing case of alleged sex crimes that has been collectively called “The New Nth Room,” consisting of different Telegram-based chatrooms with two different purposes. Massive chatrooms with the intention of humiliating women, sometimes even family members, were first brought to attention, with school chatrooms used for sending sexual […]
Problematic YouTuber Defeated As Platform Takes Down Viral Video And Demonetizes Channel
After finding itself at the center of the clash between Korean men and the internet amid the shocking Telegram-based digital sex crimes that shook Korea, YouTuber PPKKa‘s channel has been demonetized. YouTuber PPKKa | @PPKKa/YouTube PPKKa, a notorious “wrecker” YouTuber with 1.19M followers, was slammed with damning comments from women all over the world after the news […]
Plaud takes a crack at a simpler AI pin
Successful wearables are largely confined to a few select form factors. The wrist still rules the roost or perhaps the ears, depending on how broad your definition is. Glasses are having a moment, while the ring gains traction. The pin/necklace never made much headway, though not for lack of trying. Misfit explored the space, and […]
Gimbal Space takes on legacy suppliers with fast-paced component supply chain
America’s space industry seems mature, but the supply chain that provides all the parts and components for rockets, satellites, and other spacecraft is considerably less so. Gimbal Space is aiming to change that, starting with components in the crucial subsystem that enables a spacecraft to orient itself in space — but delivered cheaper and a whole […]
YouTube takes on TikTok Shop with expanded Shopify partnership
As TikTok Shop gains traction, YouTube is expanding its partnership with Shopify to onboard more brands for its YouTube Shopping affiliate program, the company announced on Tuesday. The expanded partnership means creators will get access to thousands of new brands to tag in their shopping videos, marking a significant increase from the few hundred brands […]