On February 27, MBC aired the finale of their series My Teenage Girl. The final contestants went against each other in a final mission to determine which of the members would make it in the debut lineup of the show’s girl group, CLASSy. Contestants of “My Teenage Girl” | @CLASSy_Global/ Twitter During the show, there were two […]
Tesla’s Latest Financial Statement Shows Bitcoin Worth $1.26 Billion
Elon Musk’s electric car company, Tesla, did not sell any bitcoin in the fourth quarter, according to the company’s latest financial statement. Tesla is holding bitcoin worth $ 1.26 billion. The company still has not resumed accepting bitcoin payments but now accepts the meme cryptocurrency dogecoin (DOGE) for some merchandise. Tesla Did Not Sell Bitcoin […]
SM Entertainment Makes Official Statement On WayV Lucas’ Recent Scandal
WayV‘s Lucas had recently been swept up in controversy where various alleged victims had accused him of gaslighting and cheating on them. Regarding the matter, SM Entertainment has released an official statement. They have announced that the release of Lucas’ upcoming single with bandmate Hendery has been halted while Lucas is reflecting on his misdoings. […]