In August, a Russian warlord posted a video on Telegram, showing a pair of Cybertrucks patrolling a road in Chechnya, armed seemingly with heavy machine guns. Leaving aside unanswerable (for now) questions about how the vehicles were obtained, Wired thought it worth digging into whether a Cybertruck actually makes sense as a “technical,” the term […]
Could history repeat itself with Ken Dorsey getting fired mid-season? Some Browns fans think so.
Wendi Oliveros is an avid sports fan who has reported on NFL, MLB, and professional tennis throughout her career. She lives in PA but is not a Steelers or Eagles fan. She is a lifelong Baltimore Orioles fan, and her favorite tennis tournament is the US Open, which she has been privileged to attend a […]
Some Kaspersky customers receive surprise forced-update to new antivirus software
Customers of Kaspersky antivirus in the United States found out in the last few days that their cybersecurity software was automatically replaced with a new one called UltraAV, according to several customers who posted on social media. And some of the customers said they had no idea this was going to happen. “Woke up to […]
Some startups are going ‘fair source’ to avoid the pitfalls of open source licensing
With the perennial tensions between proprietary and open source software (OSS) unlikely to end anytime soon, a $ 3 billion startup is throwing its weight behind a new licensing paradigm — one that’s designed to bridge the open and proprietary worlds, replete with new definition, terminology, and governance model. Developer software company Sentry recently introduced […]
‘Hot Ones’ could add some heat to Netflix’s live lineup
Netflix has never quite cracked the talk show formula, but maybe it can borrow an existing hit from YouTube. According to Bloomberg, the streamer is in talks with BuzzFeed to create live episodes of the popular YouTube talk show “Hot Ones.” Netflix and BuzzFeed did not immediately respond to TechCrunch’s request for comment. The show […]