In August, a Russian warlord posted a video on Telegram, showing a pair of Cybertrucks patrolling a road in Chechnya, armed seemingly with heavy machine guns. Leaving aside unanswerable (for now) questions about how the vehicles were obtained, Wired thought it worth digging into whether a Cybertruck actually makes sense as a “technical,” the term […]
US charges five Russian military hackers with targeting Ukraine’s government with destructive malware
On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Justice accused five members of Russia’s military intelligence agency of hacking several Ukrainian government agencies, an unnamed U.S. government agency in Maryland, and computers belonging to 26 NATO countries, among other victims. The DOJ announced the indictment of the five members of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate, also known as […]
Russian government hackers found using exploits made by spyware companies NSO and Intellexa
Google says it has evidence that Russian government hackers are using exploits that are “identical or strikingly similar” to those previously made by spyware makers Intellexa and NSO Group. In a blog post on Thursday, Google said it is not sure how the Russian government acquired the exploits, but said this is an example of […]
Microsoft emails that warned customers of Russian hacks criticized for looking like spam and phishing
In March, Microsoft confirmed that Russian government hackers known as Midnight Blizzard (or APT29) had broken into its systems with the goal of stealing various kinds of information, including data on Microsoft customers. Months later, Microsoft is still in the process of notifying its affected customers, and it looks like the process isn’t going very […]
Apple removes VPN apps at request of Russian authorities, say app makers
Apple has removed several VPN apps from its App Store in Russia at the request of the government’s communications watchdog, according to VPN makers. Last week, Russian news agency Interfax reported that Apple had removed 25 VPN apps from its App Store in Russia after Roskomnadzor, a government body that regulates the internet — including […]