Netflix‘s new K-Drama, Chicken Nugget, based on Park Ji Dok‘s Webtoon Dak Gang Geong (Sweet & Sour Chicken), premiered with all ten episodes over the weekend. It stars Kim Yoo Jung (also known as Kim You Jung, who previously starred in My Demon, The 8th Night, and 20th Century Girl) as Choi Min Ah, Ryu Seung Ryong (Moving, […]
Yoo Ah In’s Drug Scandal Causes Further Set Back To Highly-Anticipated Netflix K-Drama
Netflix’s upcoming series Goodbye Earth has found itself in the midst of controversy and speculation due to the legal issues surrounding its lead actor, Yoo Ah In. The series — eagerly awaited by fans for its unique storyline and impressive cast — has pushed its release date back multiple times. Yoo Ah In Originally slated […]
Rafael Nadal vs Carlos Alcaraz match tickets: How to buy, cost, cheapest price for Netflix Slam in Las Vegas
Two of the biggest names in tennis face off in the entertainment capital of the world, as Las Vegas’ Mandalay Bay Resort plays host to the ‘Netflix Slam’. 22-time grand slam champion Rafael Nadal goes up against his 20-year-old Spanish compatriot, Wimbledon 2023 winner Carlos Alcaraz. The two grand slam winners, whose maiden victories at […]
5 K-Dramas Canceled By Netflix After Only One Season
Rather than announcing which shows they’ve canceled, Netflix quietly signals the end of a series by changing its status to a limited series. So here are five recently released K-Dramas that no longer have any hope of getting a second season. 1. Welcome To Samdal-ri The highly criticized romance starring Ji Chang Wook and Shin […]
“Netflix Is Ruining Korean Culture:” Netizens Divided Over New Show
Netizens have mixed feelings about one of Netflix‘s new Korean shows. On February 20, Netflix released Risqué Business: The Netherlands and Germany, starring comedian and television comedy show host Shin Dong Yup and singer and entertainer Sung Si Kyung. Last year, Netflix released versions of Risqué Business in which the two explored the sex cultures […]