In a new twist to the ongoing legal drama between popular broadcasters Choi Dong Seok and Park Ji Yoon, Choi has now filed an adultery lawsuit against his ex-wife, claiming that she was involved in an extramarital affair during their marriage. | @dong_seok_choi/Instagram According to a report from Star News on October 2, Choi has […]
Korean Star Accused Of Adultery Addresses Mistress Allegations
Choi Dong Seok has responded to allegations that he was involved in an extramarital affair during his marriage to broadcaster Park Ji Yoon. His response comes after it was revealed that Park had filed a lawsuit against a woman she claims was involved with Choi during their marriage. | @dong_seok_choi_/Instagram In a statement posted on […]
Top Actress Exposes Ex-Husband’s Alleged Mistress In Explosive Post
Actress Hwang Jung Eum exposed her ex-husband’s alleged mistress on Instagram. Hwang Jung Eum On April 4, the actress uploaded a photo of a woman’s Instagram post to her account’s story. The actress then sarcastically asks her to marry her ex-husband. Hey ugly. Please marry Young Don. Can’t you go to Thailand after you divorce […]
Cheating Korean Actor Kang Kyung Joon And His Mistress Disappear, Even Their Companies Can’t Find Them
Actor Kang Kyung Joon, who was recently accused of infidelity, has reportedly gone into hiding with Ms. A, the woman he allegedly has an affair with. Kang Kyung Joon | Sports Chosun Kang, who is married to actress Jang Shin Young, reportedly became close with “A” while working together at a sales agency. But when […]