WhatsApp is testing Meta AI, its large language model-powered chatbot, with users in India and some other markets, signalling its intentions to tap the massive user base to scale its AI offerings. The company recently began testing the AI chatbot, until now available in the U.S., with some users in India, many of them said. […]
Meta confirms that its Llama 3 open-source LLM is coming in the next month
At an event in London on Tuesday, Meta confirmed that it plans an initial release of Llama 3 — the next generation of its large language model used to power generative AI assistants — within the next month. This confirms a report published on Monday by The Information that Meta was getting close to launch. […]
Meta now requires users to verify their age to use its Quest VR headsets
During the congressional online safety hearing in January, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg argued that mobile app store providers like Apple and Google should be the ones to implement parental controls for social media. Now, it appears Meta is using its Quest VR store to demonstrate how it thinks devices with app stores should approach online […]
Chat app Telegram challenges Meta with the launch of new ‘Business’ features and revenue-sharing
Messaging app Telegram is preparing to take on Meta’s WhatsApp and Messenger with a new set of features aimed at businesses as well as support for ad-revenue sharing. Officially launched this weekend after an earlier announcement, Telegram Business introduces options like a customized start page, plus the ability to set business hours and use preset […]