Stray Kids‘ Felix and Bang Chan appeared on Eric Nam‘s Daebak Show and caused laughter when Felix learned the true meaning of his iconic line from “Gods’ Menu”. Felix | @Flash_Felix0915/Twitter To play on “God’s Menu”, Eric Nam introduced a segment called Daebak Restuarant and jokingly said it had nineteen Michelin stars. While Bang Chan […]
EXO Fans Come To Baekhyun’s Defense Over High Special Birthday Menu Prices
On May 6, EXO‘s Baekhyun celebrated his 32nd birthday! It’s his first birthday since leaving SM Entertainment to create his own label, INB100, and there were different events in Korea held to celebrate his special day. Baekhyun (EXO) | SM Entertainment One of these events was a birthday cafe, where fans could enjoy a special menu and get extra […]