Apple revealed the full iPhone 16 line at Monday’s “Glowtime” event. According to CEO Tim Cook, the new handsets are “build around Apple Intelligence from the ground up.” Along with the base-level models, the company debuted the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max, which both feature the new A18 Chip. The Pro Displays […]
Startups have to be clever when fighting larger rivals
Welcome to Startups Weekly — your weekly recap of everything you can’t miss from the world of startups. Want it in your inbox every Friday? Sign up here. You won’t find any Founder Mode discourse in this week’s newsletter, although the memes keep coming. Instead, here’s your usual dose of startup news, from oversized rounds, […]
Deep tech startups with very technical CEOs raise larger rounds, research finds
SaaS founders trying to figure out what it takes to raise their next round can refer to Point Nine’s famous yearly SaaS Funding Napkin. (The term refers to “back of the napkin” plans or calculations.) Now, European hardware deep tech teams have a similar resource from First Momentum, a pre-seed fund investing in technical B2B […]
The Small K-Pop Company That’s Giving Something To Their Trainees That Even Larger Agencies Don’t
A small entertainment agency is making waves online for their unique system. Ryud, the co-founder of Hi-Hat Entertainment and a renowned choreographer in his own right, announced that their trainees will not be in any financial burden after their debut. In an interview on Naver regarding their upcoming girl group, he revealed that the company […]
Messenger now lets you create shared albums, send HD photos and share larger files
Meta announced on Tuesday it’s rolling out the ability for Messenger users to create shared albums in chats, send photos in high-definition, and share larger files up to 100MB in size. With these new features, Messenger is targeting people who tend to create shared albums or share HD images via services like Google Drive. Up […]