The infamous DJ Yesong, who was once a beloved K-Pop idol, has once again made headlines following the tragic incident she caused while driving under the influence of alcohol. She is currently undergoing trial for the grave violation of traffic laws that led to the death of a delivery driver. DJ Yesong’s case sparked public […]
Psychopathic Woman Charged With Life Sentence After Dismembering And Killing A Stranger “Out Of Curiosity”
In a chilling case that has gripped South Korea a 24-year-old woman, was sentenced to life in prison for the gruesome murder and dismemberment of a female freelance tutor in May last year. The verdict, delivered by the Busan High Court on Wednesday, came after a disturbing revelation that the crime was motivated by mere curiosity. […]
Koreans Voice Outrage At BL-Thriller Webtoon “Killing Stalking” Getting A K-Drama Adaptation
Korean webtoonist Koogi confirmed, with an official Twitter announcement, that her original, award-winning “BL” genre series Killing Stalking will be getting a live-action K-Drama adaptation. KS will be made into a drama!I’m sure you were surprised. I think it will be a good opportunity and a great challenge for me. I think it’s all thanks to […]