Disney+ original series Red Swan, directed by Park Hong Kyun and written by Choi Yoon Jung, has taken the streaming world by storm. Though only the first few episodes are out, it has quickly garnered an enthusiastic and massive audience. According to Wikitree, Red Swan secured the number one position in the Disney+ Korea TOP 10 […]
Netflix Announces Kim Seon Ho’s Anticipated Comeback K-Drama
Actor Kim Seon Ho, known for K-Dramas Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha and Start-Up, is making his small screen comeback after three years! Kim Seon Ho Kim Seon Ho had rose to stardom with these roles, but after Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, he became subject to scandal. At the time, he was also a cast member of the hit KBS […]
Award-Winning K-Drama Actor Invited To Join The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences
Award-winning Korean German actor Teo Yoo has been invited to join The Academy. Teo Yoo Teo Yoo is known for the musical film Leto, the K-Dramas Love to Hate You, Vagabond, Chocolate, Money Game, The School Nurse Files, The Cravings, Dr. Brain, the film Vertigo, for which he won The 2021 Blue Dragon Film Award […]
Popular Idol-Actor Comes Out As Gay In New Mainstream K-Drama
MBC‘s new ongoing K-Drama Bitter Sweet Hell (also known as Our House), directed by Lee Dong Hyun and starring Kim Hee Sun, Lee Hye Young, Kim Nam Hee, and Yeonwoo, premiered on May 24, 2024. No Yeong-Won (Kim Hee-Seon) is a psychology consultant and a celebrity. Her personal life is just as impressive as her work […]
14 Celebrity Couples Who Went From K-Drama Co-Stars To Real-Life Newlyweds
Celebrity couples aren’t anything new, where many celebrities go on to marry each other. HaHa & Byul Some celebrities fall in love on set, where they develop a bond after working together. Here are 14 celebrity couples who got married after starring together in the same K-Drama. 1. Eugene & Ki Tae Young Eugene and […]