tvN’s K-Drama Lovely Runner, which aired its last episode yesterday, also held a finale episode event for fans. “Lovely Runner” pop-up store | @ekwlsfltkr/X To win, fans had to take a screenshot of the event scroll while watching the final episode and fill out a form for a chance to win prizes. | tvN The […]
Deal Dive: Amae Health is building an in-person approach to mental healthcare in an increasingly digital space
When Sonia García and Stas Sokolin decided to launch Amae Health to solve the broken care system for people with severe mental illness, they were already intimately familiar with the industry’s issues. “I started thinking about this problem a very long time ago,” said Sokolin, Amae’s CEO. “I grew up with a sister who had […]
Dog Collar And Leash? Mommy? — Fan’s Requests At An In-Person Fansign Leaves Many Disgusted
Unfortunately, there have been many instances of K-Pop idols enduring strange or uncomfortable requests from fans. Many of these have taken place over video calls, which at least have a built-in barrier between the idol and the person making such a request. “Should Be Banned” — Red Velvet’s Seulgi Denies A Fan’s “Inappropriate” Video Call […]