Recently, photos of G-Dragon wearing a unique fashion style garnered much attention online. On the Instagram account @8lo8lo8lowme, photos of G-Dragon wearing undergarment-style bottoms were posted. | 8lo8lo8lowme/Instagram While the outfit could be a topic of controversy, it was met with a rather positive response, as G-Dragon is known for his fashion-forward style. | 8lo8lo8lowme/Instagram […]
Former Product Hunt CEO Josh Buckley is looking to raise a fourth $250M fund
Josh Buckley, the former CEO of Product Hunt, is aiming to raise a fourth $ 250 million fund for his venture capital firm, Buckley Ventures, according to a regulatory filing. Buckley’s ambitions for this fund are significantly lower than for his previous one. He sought to raise a $ 500 million third fund in February, […]
Former Product Hunt CEO Josh Buckley is looking to raise a fourth $250M fund
Josh Buckley, the former CEO of Product Hunt, is aiming to raise a fourth $ 250 million fund for his venture capital firm, Buckley Ventures, according to a regulatory filing. Buckley’s ambitions for this fund are significantly lower than for his previous one. He sought to raise a $ 500 million third fund in February, […]
Former Product Hunt CEO Josh Buckley is looking to raise a fourth $250M fund
Josh Buckley, the former CEO of Product Hunt, is aiming to raise a fourth $ 250 million fund for his venture capital firm, Buckley Ventures, according to a regulatory filing. Buckley’s ambitions for this fund are significantly lower than for his previous one. He sought to raise a $ 500 million third fund in February, […]
French biotech Generare speeds up hunt for new drugs by cloning natural molecules
French biotech startup Generare has closed a €5 million seed round (around $ 5.5 million at current exchange rates) to step up development of what it touts as a highly scalable approach to identifying promising compounds for drug discovery that already exist in nature. It’s focused on sifting for molecules that are produced by microorganisms […]