Invasive plastic surgery procedures, such as traditional facelifts, come with risks, but even seemingly minor procedures can sometimes be dangerous. Unrelated image for illustrative purposes | Diana Polekhina/Unsplash Such was the case for an 82-year-old Korean woman, who suffered a skin defect on bilateral preauricular cheeks after a single injection. The woman was injected with […]
Child-Killer Teacher’s Horrifying Confession After Stabbing 8-Year-Old Student To Death
Korean police have released disturbing details from their interrogation of the 40-year-old elementary school teacher who confessed to killing an 8-year-old student in Daejeon. The suspect, who remains unnamed, revealed she chose her victim at random and committed the crime due to workplace grievances. Kim Ha Neul’s memorial. | News1 The shocking murder occurred when […]
Tormented Woman Makes A Horrifying Discovery After 18 Years
After 18 years of suffering, a 36-year-old woman has finally discovered the cause of her pain. Unfortunately, this discovery marks a milestone but not the end of her journey to healing — and justice. Unrelated photo for illustrative purposes | Sasun Bughdaryan/Unsplash On November 5, the Pavena Foundation for Children and Women–a non-profit organization in […]
MADEIN’s Gaeun Victim Of Horrifying Sexual Assault From Company CEO While Underage
5th generation girl group member, MADEIN‘s Gaeun, was sexually assaulted by her agency CEO when she tried to leave the group. In the latest episode of JTBC‘s show Scandal Supervisor, they highlighted how a fifth generation girl group member was a victim of sexual assault after she asked to leave the group. The show played […]
Cleaners Make A Horrifying Discovery Inside A Man’s House
What began as an ordinary workday turned into a scene from a horror movie. Unrelated photo | Sean Benesh/Unsplash A man who lives in Japan’s Kyoto prefecture hired professionals to give his four-bedroom “garbage house” a much-needed deep cleaning. In Japan, “garbage house” refers to extremely dirty homes that need far more than tidying up. […]