Queen Woo, a TVING original historical K-Drama that captures a widowed queen’s most chilling 24 hours to protect her reign, premiered its first out of two parts on August 29, 2024 (KST). “Queen Woo” | TVING Following the four episodes, however, critics and viewers have expressed great disappointment in how Part 1 was directed. According […]
Historical “2024 Paris Olympics” Selfie With North Korean and South Korean Athletes Are Going Viral
The Olympics is an event bringing together countries from across the world to compete in one sporting event. Yet, it doesn’t always mean that politics and tensions go away, but athletes from South Korea and North Korea proved it can during a recent event. On July 30, the countries competed in the mixed doubles table […]
Google hopeful of fix for Gemini’s historical image diversity issue within weeks
Google is hopeful it will soon be able to ‘unpause’ the ability of its multimodal generative AI tool, Gemini, to depict people, per DeepMind founder, Demis Hassabis. The capability to respond to prompts for images of humans should be back online in the “next few weeks”, he said today. Google suspended the Gemini capability last […]
Google pauses AI tool Gemini’s ability to generate images of people after historical inaccuracies
Google says it’s temporarily suspended the ability of Gemini, its flagship generative AI suite of models, to generate images of people while it works on updating the model to improve the historical accuracy of outputs. In a post on the social media platform X, the company announced what it couched as a “pause” on generating […]
Historical Announcement For HYBE’s Upcoming Girl Group I’LL-IT Sparks A Heated Debate On “Privilege”
In 2023, HYBE‘s subsidiary label BELIFT LAB broadcasted a survival show called R U Next? which aimed to find the members of the newest girl group for I’LL-IT. The poster for “R U Next?” | JTBC After weeks of performing, the final six members were chosen. The original lineup of I’LL-IT | BELIFT LAB While the […]