Stray Kids‘ Felix has long been outspoken about his unique androgynous style. Years ago, in an interview with Elle Korea, he revealed Gigi and Bella Hadid as his fashion icons. He explained, “Women’s apparel also gets my attention a lot. I believe that I should wear clothing that suits me best, regardless of gender.” #unisex […]
Travis Kelce long hair, explained: Patrick Mahomes reveals Taylor Swift convinced Chiefs TE to sport new look
As the Kansas City Chiefs begin their quest for an unprecedented third Super Bowl win in a row, Travis Kelce is representing this year’s fresh start with a new look. In place of his signature buzzcut at training camp has been a growing crop of hair coupled with a thick mustache. However, it’s not just […]
Fans Divided Over LE SSERAFIM Chaewon’s New Hair
LE SSERAFIM’s Chaewon has always been known for her dark, black bob. Since her debut era with LE SSERAFIM, Chaewon has been sporting the same cut. Many had praised her for her dramatic change, as she had sported a brown, long style during her IZ*ONE days, With LE SSERAFIM’s comeback looming, Chaewon revealed a new […]
Korean Hair Salon Owner Exposes Celebrity Couple Who Scammed Them
On July 29, a community post about a hair salon owner suffering from a celebrity family that didn’t pay for services garnered attention online. | Bobaedream The post, titled ‘A celebrity and their husband and family received service from our store and ran off without paying,’ was posted on a self-employed community forum. I run […]
Actor Kim Soo Hyun’s Naturally Curly Hair Is Shockingly Different From His Usual Look
Fans are probably more used to actor Kim Soo Hyun looking like this… Kim Soo Hyun in Queen of Tears. …but did you know that the star has naturally curly hair? In fact, his hair in Dream High is probably the closest to how it actually looks. The star recently shoed up at a gallery […]