Currently, in Korea, there is a new ongoing case of alleged sex crimes that has been collectively called “The New Nth Room,” consisting of different Telegram-based chatrooms with two different purposes. Massive chatrooms with the intention of humiliating women, sometimes even family members, were first brought to attention, with school chatrooms used for sending sexual […]
Boy Group’s Account Caught Retweeting A Tweet Featuring aespa’s Karina
Making a mistake on a social media account is easier than many may anticipate. This is even more true when one runs more than one account on a platform like X (formerly Twitter). In the past, official K-Pop accounts have been caught interacting with Tweets containing surprising content, like when Apink’s account reposted fanfiction featuring […]
Palo Alto Networks CEO apologizes for happy hour display featuring women with lampshades on their heads
Cybersecurity giant Palo Alto Networks is getting a lot of grief for a recent trade show event in which two women posed with lampshades on their heads. The debacle — which unflatteringly recalls the CES booth babes of the early ’90s and 2000s — reportedly happened at a happy hour hosted by CyberRisk Collaborative and […]
Jake Paul vs. Mike Perry full card results, schedule for 2024 boxing fight featuring Amanda Serrano
Jake Paul has a date with destiny against Mike Tyson in November. However, he must get past the unorthodox Mike Perry on July 20. The fight in Tampa airs on DAZN. Paul’s rise to fame came from Disney and YouTube. He used his platform on the latter to become a disrupter, not just in the […]
Apple Vision Pro debuts immersive content featuring NBA players, The Weeknd and more
Apple on Thursday announced its upcoming lineup of immersive video content for the Vision Pro. The list includes behind-the-scenes footage of the 2024 NBA All-Star Weekend, an immersive performance by The Weeknd, new series, films, concerts and more. The headset launched in February with more than 150 3D movies and immersive titles. Apple is adding […]