The Bidhannagar police commissionerate said that Sunday’s Derby match between East Bengal and Mohun Bagan was cancelled apprehending attempts by some elements and organisations to create trouble at the Salt Lake stadium during some planned protests over the alleged rape and murder of a woman doctor at R G Kar Medical College and Hospital. A […]
Big Three Credit Agency Fitch Says Stablecoin Growth Could Be ‘Disruptive’ to Securities Markets
American credit rating agency Fitch Ratings, one of the ‘Big Three’ credit rating agencies, has published a report that says stablecoin growth could affect securities and commercial paper (CP) markets. The agency says stablecoins could be “disruptive” and “stablecoin-related turbulence” could “transmit shocks” to other markets. Fitch Ratings: ‘Stablecoins Could Be Disruptive for CP Markets’ […]