WhatsApp is updating its mobile apps for a fresh and more streamlined look, while also introducing a new “darker dark mode,” the company announced on Thursday. The messaging app says that over the years, it has primarily focused on adding utility to the app and that while the product continues to grow, its design needs […]
Building owners are often in the dark about their carbon pollution. A new algorithm could shed light on it
Starting this year, thousands of buildings in New York City will have to start reducing their carbon emissions. But before that happens, owners need to understand how much pollution they are generating. Electricity alone makes up 60% of the total energy use in commercial buildings, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. There are plenty […]
Dark Space is building a rocket-powered boxing glove to push debris out of orbit
Paris-based Dark Space is taking on the dual problems of debris and conflict in orbit with their mobile platform designed to launch, attach to, and ultimately deorbit uncooperative objects in space. Dark CEO Clyde Laheyne said the company is aiming to become the “S.W.A.T. team of space.” The three-year-old startup is developing Interceptor, a spacecraft […]
“Your Nipple Piercing” — K. Will Exposes Jaejoong’s “Dark” Past And Wild Behavior
Recently, singer K.Will exposed some of Kim Jaejoong‘s wild past behaviors. Kim Jaejoong | @uhmg_studios/Instagram K.Will | @uhmg_studios/Instagram K.Will appeared as a guest on Jaejoong’s JaeFriends YouTube program, where the two talked about various subjects. The two stars have been active in the industry for many years and have been friends for over 20 years. […]
StealthMole raises $7M Series A for its AI-powered dark web intelligence platform
StealthMole, an AI-powered dark web intelligence startup that specializes in monitoring cyber threats and detecting cybercrime, announced Thursday that it has raised a $ 7 million Series A funding round. The Singapore-headquartered startup with an R&D office in South Korea will use the fresh capital to establish additional R&D centers and support more commercial uses […]