The long-anticipated K-Drama inspired by the alternative universe of BTS’s HYYH era, BEGINS ≠ YOUTH, recently premiered, spiking interest among ARMYs. | HYBE Fans were so enthralled by the cast and script that they wished the drama had been made available on more accessible streaming platforms. But one particular scene dampened some of that praise. The […]
“HYBE Fumbled”: ARMYs Disappointment Over BTS K-Drama “BEGINS ≠ YOUTH”
The long-anticipated BTS-inspired K-Drama BEGINS ≠ YOUTH recently premiered. | HYBE Several years ago, during a press conference, HYBE founder Bang Si Hyuk shared the agency’s plans for a Korean drama inspired by BTS‘s fictional universe. The K-Drama, originally titled YOUTH, was slated to air in 2020 but moved to November 2023. We are working with a famous Korean […]
Waymo begins robotaxi testing in Atlanta
Waymo, the self-driving company under Alphabet, began testing its robotaxis in Atlanta on Tuesday, adding another city to its ever-expanding testing and deployment domain. Over the next few months, Waymo will deploy a handful of cars driven manually by humans to gather mapping data and get familiar with Atlanta’s environment, Sandy Karp, a Waymo spokesperson, […]
DoorDash begins piloting drone deliveries in the US
DoorDash is expanding its partnership with Alphabet’s Wing to bring its drone delivery pilot to the U.S., the company announced on Thursday. Select users in Christiansburg, Virginia will be able to order eligible menu items from their local Wendy’s. DoorDash first launched its drone delivery pilot program in Australia in 2022, where it is now […]
Mercedes begins piloting Apptronik humanoid robots
Pilot season has officially begun for the world of humanoid robotics. Last year, Amazon began testing Agility’s Digit robots in select fulfillment centers, while this January, Figure announced a deal with BMW. Now Apptronik is getting in on the action, courtesy of a partnership with Mercedes-Benz. According to the Austin-based robotics startup, “as part of […]