Advances in DNA sequencing and the vast amounts of genomic data being produced by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology have created a startup opportunity to build software for biologists so they can more easily analyze this big data and take the next leap. It could help when it comes to developing new vaccines, cancer treatments and […]
Rivian reveals first $10M in grants for long-promised Rivian Foundation
Rivian has revealed the first $ 10 million worth of grants from the Rivian Foundation, a philanthropy established three years ago in conjunction with Rivian’s IPO to dedicate 1% of its equity to those making the “natural world” a “stakeholder in our success.” The company launched a website for the foundation on Monday that details […]
GPTZero’s founders, still in their 20s, have a profitable AI detection startup, millions in the bank and a new $10M Series A
Among all the young AI startups being ruthlessly pursued by VCs these days, GPTZero has already grown into profitability in its first year and a half of life, generating millions in revenue. Founded by 24-year-old Edward Tian and 26-year-old Alex Cui, who’ve been friends since high school, GPTZero offers a detection tool that helps identify […]
NASA puts $10M down on Mars sample return proposals from Blue Origin, SpaceX and others
It turns out the space industry has a lot of ideas on how to improve NASA’s $ 11 billion, 15-year plan to collect and return samples from Mars. Seven of these proposals have caught the agency’s attention. Announced today, NASA has awarded $ 1.5 million contracts to seven companies to further develop their plans for […]
Spend management startup SiFi raises $10M to grow further in Saudi Arabia
The global spend management sector is experiencing a tailwind of sorts. North America is arguably the biggest market in this space, but spend management companies have seen demand rise across the world, thanks to increasing internet penetration, tech advancements and businesses’ increasing focus on making sure they spend wisely. Indeed, the space is expected to […]