When Swsh launched last year, the social app was initially designed as a poll game (similar to the “Most Likely To” game), where users can answer five daily questions with their friends. However, the company has completely switched gears, joining a very crowded market — photo album-sharing platforms. These types of apps have existed for […]
Relyance lands $32M to help companies comply with data regulations
As the demand for AI surges, AI vendors are devoting greater bandwidth to data security issues. Not only are they being compelled to comply with emerging data privacy regulations (e.g. the EU Data Act), but they’re finding themselves under the microscope of clients skeptical about how their data is being used and processed. The trouble […]
Scope3 starts tracking the carbon footprint of AI
It was the banana that did it. Brian O’Kelley, who had recently sold his previous startup, ad platform AppNexus, to AT&T for a reported $ 1.6 billion, was watching a lecture through MIT during COVID as part of a yearlong course on supply chain management. “There was this one slide in a lecture about the […]
BaCta is using engineered bacteria to grow natural rubber and slash CO2 emissions
The synthetic biology and precision fermentation space is a hotbed of entrepreneurial activity these days. But it’s not every day you come across a startup that’s using genetic engineering to produce natural rubber — a substance that’s challenging to reproduce in a lab because of how long its polymer is. Paris-based baCta has a proof […]
The WordPress vs. WP Engine drama, explained
This story has been updated throughout with more details as the story has developed. We will continue to do so as the case and dispute are ongoing. The world of WordPress, one of the most popular technologies for creating and hosting websites, is going through a very heated controversy. The core issue is the fight […]