The 2024 American romantic comedy film The Idea of You, based on Robinne Lee‘s novel of the same name, will soon premiere with its official release date of May 2. It focuses on the lead singer of a famous boy band, portrayed by Nicholas Galitzine (Purple Hearts, Red, White & Royal Blue, and Bottoms), and his relationship with a fan’s mother, portrayed by Oscar-winning actress Anne Hathaway, who is sixteen years his senior.
Solène Marchand is a 40-year-old single mom who, at her ex-husband’s request, takes their teenage daughter to Coachella. In a surprising turn of events, Solène strikes up a budding romance with 24-year-old Hayes Campbell, the lead singer of August Moon, a famous boy band.
— Wikipedia
While many assume Hayes Campbell is inspired by former One Direction member Harry Styles, that isn’t exactly true. Galitzine has found inspiration through multiple music artists, including BTS.
In a recent interview with Etalk CTV, the interviewer revealed that they are ARMY. So, they asked Galitzine how BTS inspired him in his new role.
Nicholas Galitzine began to praise the BTS members’ dance skills. He confessed that he isn’t nearly as skilled, but his co-star, Anne Hathaway, pointed out that BTS has more training. Galitzine only had a few weeks of preparation before filming.
Nicholas Galitzine: It really was in a lot of the sort of performance aspect of it. I think, I would never ever claim to even have the amount of dance skill that they have in their pinky than I do in my entirety.
Anne Hathaway: They have more training!
Nicholas Galitzine: They have a little bit more.
Anne Hathaway: If you’d been devoted!
Nicholas Galitzine: We did have like a few weeks before the filming…
Nicholas Galitzine continued to explain BTS’s influence in his preparation for The Idea of You. He shared that the idols’ charm, charisma, and relationship with one another were inspirational. So, he hopes that he and his fictional band were able to capture some of that.
I think that the relationship between them is so notable, and they’re sort of effortless in their sort of charm and charisma with each other, and I think we kind of wanted to embody that on stage as well.
— Nicholas Galitzine
Nicholas Galitzine praises BTS’s charm via etalkctv
— The Idea of You News (@THEIDEA0FYOU) April 29, 2024
It wasn’t just BTS’s charm and stage presence that Nicholas Galitzine attempted to channel.
Previously, he revealed to E! News that BTS was one of the many artists who inspired the film when asked about Harry Styles. He explained that the K-Pop group influenced the choreography for his fictional boy band.
It’s funny just because it’s become this thing in of itself. We have tried to distance ourselves from that, and I think Hayes is such a wonderful character in of himself. There were so many amazing references we used: BTS for a lot of the choreography, which was really great. There’s so many references out there.
— Nicholas Galitzine
Actor and singer Nicholas Galitzine said they used BTS as a reference for the choreography of his upcoming movie with Anne Hathaway called ‘The Idea of You’ 🥹
— clem (@tinyangeljoonie) March 20, 2024
Read more below.
How BTS Influenced Anne Hathaway And Nicholas Galitzine’s New Movie “The Idea Of You”