In a new episode of her YouTube series on her MimPD channel, OH MY GIRL‘s Mimi sat down with Seunghee as she looked back on pre and early debut days.

OH MY GIRL debuted in April 2015. After almost a decade in the business, Mimi and Seunghee are now carefree, slamming how WM Entertainment treated them as rookies. In fact, while talking about how the group had a certain rule when it came to posing for group photos…

Seunghee: You know how we have a lot of members in our group with very small faces.
Mimi: You’re right.
Seunghee: That’s why some of the members started avoiding standing next to YooA and Yubin at some point.
Mimi: That’s right, there was that implicit thing. I
Seunghee: [Standing next to them] made our faces look like this [showing two different sizes of plastic containers].
Mimi: I mean, we were all born with the size of our faces the way they are. We can’t really change them. But we had that rule about which member stands where.
Seunghee: Yes, we did!
Mimi: I always had to stand next to YooA.
Seunghee: Really?
Mimi: Yeah, I was always on YooA’s right side. I accepted it early on and tried not to care.
…Seunghee revealed that she was not only “used” to make another member stand out, but also ensured she was aware of it, too—making her quite upset.

Mimi: Do you remember “Dream Concert,” though? It was early on after our debut. There was a press photo from that event and… Remember how we got in so much trouble?
Seunghee: Oooh, I remember! It was because I took center!
Mimi: Wasn’t it the stylists who got mad at us?
Seunghee: I don’t know, but I was scolded left and right. You know, for Music Bank and stuff, they used to make me stand next to YooA to make YooA stand out. How do I know? I know this because someone at the company actually came up to me and told me that it was on purpose.
Mimi: Oh my gosh… They should be ashamed. Didn’t that make you feel awful?
Seunghee: Oh, it was f*cked up.
Given how Seunghee seemed to have move past such experiences, OH MY GIRLS fans couldn’t help but feel proud of her—but also a little heartbroken at the same time. Comments showing love and support for the girl group members have since piled under the video.
- “WM Entertainment has done them wrong so many times… I hope they treat Seunghee better now. Some were heartbreaking, but this episode was full of great stories about Seunghee and other OH MY GIRL members. Favorite video!”
- “Hearing the stories about WM Entertainment made my blood boil… How did Seunghee endure all of that at such a young age? Some adults are just evil.”
- “Like the video title… Not everything was gold and glitter. Kind of reminds me of the other behind-the-scenes stories that OH MY GIRL members shared about their first concert. Looking back, WM Entertainment mistreated them quite a bit. I’m grateful that the members were able to push through those times. I hope Seunghee can stop stressing about weight and just be happy and healthy from now on.”
Watch the full clip here: