South Korean designer Jinil Park‘s furniture collection has taken over social media, showing that good design stands the test of time. Despite having been first shown to the world all the way back in 2013, the “Drawing Series” has gained new attention online thanks to a viral post.
The set has a unique look that makes furniture pieces appear like simple pencil sketches.
The collection includes chairs, lamps, and a table that look two-dimensional at first glance. While they seem like drawings pulled from a sketchbook, they’re actually real furniture pieces made from welded steel wire. Park managed to create functional furniture that tricks the eye into seeing flat sketches instead of 3D objects.
To make these pieces, Park started with furniture sketches using crossing lines, picking designs that could work as real furniture. She used steel wires of different thicknesses, carefully hammering them to look like pen strokes on paper. The wires were then welded together to make furniture that’s both strong enough to use and keeps its sketch-like appearance.
The collection was first shown at the Gwangju Design Biennale in South Korea, but it has found a new audience on Instagram years later. Architecture page @archdose, with its 1.6 million followers, shared photos of the furniture on January 10.
The post quickly spread, getting more than 113,000 likes and 10,000 saves. Nearly 500 people have commented, many amazed by how the furniture looks like drawings come to life.
Source: dezeen