Controversial star K-Soul announced his departure from beloved boy group Fantasy Boys. The idol did so through a statement posted on his personal Instagram account on January 25.
K-Soul revealed that he discovered the news of his removal through an announcement made by PocketDol Studio on their official Daum Cafe. He clarified that he would no longer be affiliated with the agency or Fantasy Boys.
He thanked his supported and also mentioned that he would not be making any further comments on the matter.
I have learned through the internet that the Korean agency PocketDol Studio has announced my departure from the group Fantasy Boys on their official Daum Cafe. From this point on, I will no longer have any association with PocketDol Studio or the group Fantasy Boys.
I sincerely thank the fans who have supported and cheered for me. I will not make any further comments regarding the above.
— K-Soul via Instagram
What was surprising to some, however, was the overwhelmingly positive response from fans following the announcement. Numerous online comments showed relief and even celebration at K-Soul’s departure, citing lingering dissatisfaction with the idol.
ksoul has officially left fantasy boys 🥰
— ana☁️ (@binisticc) January 24, 2025
The backlash against K-Soul largely stems from controversies surrounding his behavior during the group’s survival show. Many viewers and fans criticized him for being self-centered and attention-seeking, which left a lasting impression that affected his popularity within the fandom. This negative perception appears to have persisted, ultimately fueling the unexpected wave of relief and approval at his departure.
While K-Soul’s exit marks a significant change for Fantasy Boys, it remains to be seen how the group will move forward.